February 12, 2021 ~ Healing

Jeremiah 30:17 ~ "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" A couple years ago Louie was out with some of his pals for the day in their turn-out pens and when he came in, he was limping. There was no obvious sores or marks on him. We could not figure out what was wrong with my buddy. Of course, him being a horse, he couldn’t just tell me what was going on, so we had to start looking for the problem. We narrowed it down to his back foot (hoof). It turns out, that he had picked up a nail in his foot and it was rather painful. We had to have the vet take an x ray of his foot to see if there had been any damage done and then came the long hours and days of soaking it to get any infection out from the rusty piece of nail. We sat in the barn isle day after day with his foot in a boot, me talking to him, to God and get quite a few things figured out. Sometimes people, and animals are hurting and they can’t tell y...