11/13/20 - Love First

Proverbs 15:1 ~ A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. I am going to share something with you, a little thing about me… I am a channel flipper! I cannot stand to listen to commercials on the radio! I want to hear music and I really dislike car commercials. So, what do I do… In the mornings/evenings on my way to and from work I have these handy dandy little buttons on my steering wheel that allow me to flip channels! In my channel flipping I came across a Christian radio station that was playing the song Revolutionary by Josh Wilson. Have you heard it? Really listened to the lyrics? I honestly can’t think of a more fitting song right now. Here is the Youtube link, have a listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6glQdaQUZ1U (Skip the ads) Now, I know this is not the normal hymn or song that we sing in Church on Sunday. This is a make you think song. The opening lyrics are: Maybe you're no...