Oct. 30, 2020 ~ Blessings

1 Peter3:9 ~ Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. There once was a little bay horse named Asap, or Grande as I knew him. He was a twin and he thought he was the biggest and bestest horse in all of East Texas! He did not believe that you should not repay an insult with an insult. Grande thought so highly of himself that he would give out punishment for the slightest of infractions against him. Dare to forget his peppermints – then he would lead you to them and not move until he had his required quota. Try to make him go to his room? He would reopen his door and have a nice run around the grounds while you got your exercise chasing him! But, Grande also had a side of him where he did bestow blessings. He could be a cuddle bug on occasion and we received several high marks in dressage. There was that one time tho...