Sept. 25, 2020 ~ Faith
Faith isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice to trust God even when the road ahead seems uncertain. ~ Dave Willis Faith and Trust,two words each with 5 letters. Both on the surface seem so small but yet are so big. Have Faith and Trust you hear people say. I myself have often said the same thing. But what does that really mean? How can we have faith and trust in this unprecedented times? We are in a global pandemic, families are fighting over politics (mine included), and the world seems to be upside down right now. In working with horses I have to trust in my instincts and have faith that what I am doing is the right thing. After working with these wonderful animals for many, many years I have learned to read their body language and subtle cues that they give me when working with them. Some say that it is “whispering” to horses. No, not really; I am just listening to what they are telling me as if I was having a conversation with anyone else. The flick of an ear, the tightening o